The Fitness Fertility Podcast

Fertility: Focused on Traveling for Treatment🛬

Episode Summary

In this week's Focus, we're honing in on the world of fertility treatments beyond the UK's borders. Buckle up as we guide you through the top five international destinations for fertility treatments.

Episode Notes

Countries We Cover 

First up is Spain, known for its advanced reproductive technologies and favourable legal environment. It's easily accessible from the UK and offers a range of affordable treatments, with the average cost of IVF around €6,000.

Next, we discuss the Czech Republic, a leader in fertility treatments in Europe. With a well-regulated industry and an average IVF cost of around 3,000 Euros, it's a viable option for many.

Greece is also highlighted for its affordability and welcoming environment for international patients. IVF treatments can go as low as 3,000 - 3,500 EUR.

Israel is another option, known for its well-developed fertility industry and openness to the LGTB community. Treatment costs average around $7,000.

Lastly, the United States offers advanced medical technology but can be expensive, with treatments around $12,000 plus medications.

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